Termékek baykal sajtófék (24)

Floreffe Sajt - Bio Természet

Floreffe Sajt - Bio Természet

2,3kg Floreffe Nature Bio
Kókuszpehely 250g

Kókuszpehely 250g

Wiórki kokosowe otrzymuje się z miąższu orzecha palmy kokosowej, który najpierw się suszy, a później ściera na drobne wiórki. Miąższ jest bogaty w składniki odżywcze takie jak witaminy: C, E, K oraz z grupy B, minerały: cynk, fosfor, magnez, sód, potas, wapń i żelazo. Kokos i jego pochodne (wiórki, chipsy kokosowe, olej kokosowy) zawierają nasycone kwasy tłuszczowe. Kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone pochodzenia zwierzęcego powinny być ograniczane w codziennej diecie, jednak te pochodzące z kokosa są zbudowane ze znacznie mniejszych cząsteczek i przekształcane bezpośrednio na energię bez odkładania się w organizmie w postaci tłuszczu.Wiórki kokosowe zawierają ogromne zasoby błonnika, który jest niezbędny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania układu pokarmowego. Znajdziemy tam również niewielkie ilości białka i elektrolity, pozwalające na utrzymanie równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej organizmu.<strong>Skład:</strong> wiórki kokosowe&nbsp;<strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 2695kJ/655k
Hajdina - Hajdina csomag

Hajdina - Hajdina csomag

Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi. Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
ChevreArdennes Dán Kék Sajtos Piték - Sajtspecialitások

ChevreArdennes Dán Kék Sajtos Piték - Sajtspecialitások

ChèvrArdennes se présente sous plusieurs déclinaisons de goûts remarquables : en croûte fleurie, en rondin frais aux herbes, au miel, aux raisins secs, aux oignons, bruschetta, au citron, lardé. Mais aussi en pavé cendré, en feuilleté de chèvre au miel, au parmesan Parmigiano Reggiano, Bleu Danois, et beaucoup d’autres encore. Les fromages de chèvre conçus selon notre souci de la qualité ne peuvent que valoriser votre réputation de distributeur exigeant dans son choix de fromages frais et exclusifs pour ses clients.
1 kg Nyári Sajt

1 kg Nyári Sajt

Fromage produit par des Bergers qui transhument. Ces bergers et leurs troupeux passent 3 mois d'été en haute montagne des Pyrénées, dans des altitudes allant de 1000 à 2300 m. La flore présente est unique et donne un arome, un goût fruité unique. Nous livrons sur la France entiére.
Rozmaringos kecskesajt

Rozmaringos kecskesajt

Pressed paste cheese made with pasteurised goat´s milk and a rosemary rind, with a minimum ageing period of 30 days.
Tulum Sajt

Tulum Sajt

Tulum cheese 1000g 50 g 30 g
Puha sajt bifidusszal - Puha juhsajt

Puha sajt bifidusszal - Puha juhsajt

Queso tierno de oveja. Ideal para comer al natural o para fundir.
Kecskesajt - Mudosu

Kecskesajt - Mudosu

Un formaggio di capra che racchiude l’essenza e la tradizione della Sardegna. La sua pasta, di colore giallo paglierino, si distingue per la sua occhiatura rada e una struttura regolare e granulosa, simbolo di una lavorazione artigianale e attenta. Il profumo di questo formaggio si intensifica con la stagionatura, offrendo un’esperienza olfattiva ricca e invitante. Il gusto del Mudosu varia da dolce quando giovane a piacevolmente piccante con la maturazione, offrendo un equilibrio perfetto tra delicatezza e intensità. Prodotto esclusivamente con latte di capra proveniente da Ogliastra, una regione rinomata per l’allevamento caprino, questo formaggio è un tributo alla qualità e all’eccellenza sarda. Con una forma cilindrica, una crosta liscia e consistente di colore da marrone chiaro a scuro e una crosta non edibile, il Mudosu è un formaggio speciale, perfetto per chi cerca un gusto unico, ricco di eleganza e raffinatezza.


ORGANIC BUTTER Our organic butter is such a boutique production that we look at every package like our eyes. We turn the milk fat, which we decompose without using chemicals, into butter without adding any additives. While it melts on a slice of toast, we recommend you to smell it before eating it. We claim you will go back to your childhood. Ingredients : Pasteurized organic cow’s mil cream, butter culture, salt was not added. Nutritional Value/100g : Energy : 753 kj Total Fat : 83,22 g Carbohydrate: 0,85 g Calcium : 15 mg Protein : 0,19 g PACKAGE INFORMATION WEIGHT : 250 g ITEMS PER BOX : 20 PCS.
gabona - reggeli gabona

gabona - reggeli gabona

musli si cereale pentru mic dejun
Szárított padlizsán - HoReCa

Szárított padlizsán - HoReCa

This solanaceous berry came to Europe from Persia, and because of the difficulties of translation, it was often called a crazy apple. Eggplant came to Russia from the Caucasus, which is why it had the nickname “Armenian cucumber” for a long time. Properly dried eggplant has a bright aroma and taste of mushrooms. This feature makes it an indispensable component in dishes with stewed vegetables or in any roast. Use for Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes from meat, poultry and game dishes. Taste Spicy, bitter, piquant Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 11 Fats (g / 100g)… 1,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 43 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 230
3 sajtos ciabatta - Snackeria

3 sajtos ciabatta - Snackeria

3-cheese ciabatta
Kész fogyasztásra Kunafa - Főtt Kunafa

Kész fogyasztásra Kunafa - Főtt Kunafa

We are again at stage with our new product. This is the first time that a company started to produce cooked Kunafa which you can heat in Microwave in seconds. It comes with 70 ml sherbets. All in all.
KOMEKO Kenyér Élvezet

KOMEKO Kenyér Élvezet

Reismehl-Mischung für Hefeteige wie Brot, Brötchen & Pizzateig
Bio kókuszolaj - OLajak ÉS ZSÍROK

Bio kókuszolaj - OLajak ÉS ZSÍROK

Coconut oil has been consumed by people for thousands of years in the tropics, where palm trees grow.Nowadays, it is increasingly becoming the center of attention in Europe, due to its many beneficial properties. What are these?Thanks to the gentle production method, it does not contain catalyst and solvent residues or decomposition products that are harmful to health. Coconut oil is produced from the dried seeds of the coconut usually without the use of chemicals, by mechanical means, by pressing. The oil produced in this way is "virgin" coconut oil, which still has the smell and taste of fresh coconut. Virgin oil is typically purified by a physical process (RBD), the resulting oil is "refined coconut oil" (name in the food and pharmacopoeia). Refined coconut oil is odorless and has a neutral taste.
Krémes Sajtos - Zöld Olívás Kenő 150g - Krémes Sajtos - Zöld Olívás Kenő

Krémes Sajtos - Zöld Olívás Kenő 150g - Krémes Sajtos - Zöld Olívás Kenő

Frischkäse Grüne Oliven Aufstrich Organoleptischer Charakter Optik grüne Farbe für die Oliven, mit einer weißlichen, cremigen Pastefüllung Geschmack/Aroma arttypisch, salzig mit einem kraftvollen Käsegeschmack, angenehm abgerundet
Baklava DOBOZ - Standard 1000 Gr Török Baklava Doboz

Baklava DOBOZ - Standard 1000 Gr Török Baklava Doboz

Product Name: Standard 1000 Gr Baklava Box Box Dimensions: 26x17,5x4 cm Paper Weight: 300 Gr. Cardboard Inner Lamination: Pearl Outer Lamination: 4 Colors
Klasszikus Pisztácia Baklava - Eredeti Gaziantep Baklava

Klasszikus Pisztácia Baklava - Eredeti Gaziantep Baklava

CLASSİC PİSTACHİO BAKLAVA The first version of baklava. You will love the classic baklava made with the production and cutting method that has been going on for centuries. Tahmis, one of the oldest flavor brands in the world and in Turkey, has been around since 1635. Tahmis was founded in 1635 in Gaziantep, the center of the Middle East. Since Gaziantep is on the historical Silk Road, it has hosted many kings, travelers and merchants in the past. Among the most important tastes of Tahmis are coffee and baklava.
Rochefort Sajt - Fino Verde

Rochefort Sajt - Fino Verde

3kg Rochefort (au Basilic)
Kókuszreszelék 250g

Kókuszreszelék 250g

Coconut flakes are obtained from the flesh of the coconut palm walnut, which first dries, and then rubs into small chips. The pulp is rich in nutrients such as vitamins: C, E, K and group B, minerals: zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium and iron. Coconut and its derivatives (chips, coconut chips, coconut oil) contain saturated fatty acids. Saturated animal fatty acids should be limited in the daily diet, but those derived from coconut are made of much smaller molecules and transformed directly into energy without accumulating in the body in the form of fat. Coconut wires contain huge fiber resources, which is necessary for proper functioning digestive system. There you will also find small amounts of protein and electrolyte, allowing the body's acid -base balance. <strong> Composition: </strong> Coconut flakes & nbsp; <strong> Nutritional value in 100g </strong> Energy value 2695KJ/655kcal - 33% RWS *63g fat - 90%Including saturated fatty acids 53g - 265%carbohydrat
Csicseriborsó liszt 1000g

Csicseriborsó liszt 1000g

Kichererbsen sind Kichererbsen oder Haarerbsen, es stammt aus einer Gruppe von Hülsenfrüchten. Kichererbsen sind eine hervorragende Proteinquelle und notwendige Aminosäuren, daher kann sie Fleisch ersetzen. Es ist eine Quelle komplexer Kohlenhydrate, Faser. Kichererbsen verleihen dem Körper verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralien, einschließlich signifikanter Mengen an Phosphor, Vitamin B9, Eisen, Zink, Magnesium und Kalium. Es enthält auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Der Cutter hat kalorienarm und einen niedrigen glykämischen Index, und die Faser, die er enthält, hilft, den Grad der Triglyceride und "schlechtes" Cholesterinspiegel zu verringern. Die Kichererbsen wird von Veganern und Allergie -Leiden besonders geschätzt. Kichererbsenmehlformen aus den Hülsenfrüchten und somit ist dieses Mehl durch einen einzigartigen Proteingehalt gekennzeichnet, während der Geschmack dem Geschmack von Umami ähnelt. Der glykämische Index dieses Mehls beträgt fast halb so viel wie Weizenmopfen und nur 35.
Rocinante Kecske sajtok

Rocinante Kecske sajtok

Pressed paste cheese made with pasteurised goat´s milk. Soft Goat Cheese Rocinante - Aged 7 days. Semicured Goat Cheese Rocinante - Aged 1 month.
Sajtos pálcika - Snackeria 100% Halal

Sajtos pálcika - Snackeria 100% Halal

Cheese curl